An Apology, and I hate to tell myself – ‘I told you so’

March 16, 2017 | 1 minute read

Well, it’s currently twenty to one in the morning, I’m in my room at Uni having a cup of tea, I’m listening to Lorde’s new song (which may I say is an amazing song), and I’ve done all my work that I’d planned to do today. I’ve just finished work on my portfolio blog on one of my modules for Uni (going really well by the way); and it made me realise that I really haven’t blogged enough on my personal blog for a while.

An Apology

When I setup this blog I made a vow to myself that I would post regularly. It would be a step towards becoming some sort of semi-professional ‘blogger’ as it were. I knew, in the back of my mind however, that this promise would be a hollow one. Inevitably my blog soon started gathering dust.

Tomorrow, I’m going to be so productive, I’m going to update the photography section of my website with some really cool new photos that I’ve taken over the last few months… I may even write a few blog posts.

Just tune in tomorrow at some point, and see if I’ve actually kept this promise. Or, if I’m just going to let this be a little blip of productivity on a nearly dead blog.


Britney Spears

918 Coffees

Drunk this year

A Game of Thrones

George R. R. Martin

Clarkson's Farm 2

Prime Video