Giving up Food Deliveries for a Month
October 20, 2017 | 2 minute readIn Brighton, you’re definitely spoiled for choice with the number of takeaways available. Even Mcdonald’s are delivering to your door via UberEats.
When I was growing up, takeaways used to be a special event; hearing your Mum call you from downstairs asking what you wanted from the Indian or the Chinese was always a big deal.
It either meant it was a special occasion, or Mum had boiled dry the potatoes, and the home-cooked dinner was off the cards (Sorry Mum!).
But I guess the incredible amount of choice, teamed with the ability to order food directly from your phone has somewhat tainted the novelty of the takeaway.
As you start burrowing through the cupboards looking for food to eat, it becomes very tempting to abandon your plans and quickly order a large chicken select meal from Maccies.
Before giving up takeaways last month, it’s worth saying I wasn’t addicted to them. I’d say I was ordering a takeaway at least once, maybe twice a week. Whilst this doesn’t sound bad – it does all add up. Not only is takeaway food more expensive than cooking yourself, it’s also likely to be more unhealthy.
Now, it’s here when I should probably define what I mean by takeaways – I’m sure my housemates will have something to say when it comes to how well I stuck to my promise. I would still go and get a takeaway coffee from Starbucks, and I might go to Mcdonald’s once or twice. It’s only delivered takeaways that were to be given up. This means that apps such as Just Eat, Deliveroo, and UberEats, would be off limits.

How it Felt Giving up Fast-Food
One month on, I feel much better for giving them up. Over the last month I’ve found more home-cooked meals that I can cook at Uni, started cooking large batches of meals for leftovers, and I believe I’m now eating (a little) healthier.
Whether I’ll give them up altogether is still debatable. Whilst it’s definitely healthier, I don’t want to stop myself ordering a Domino’s once in a while, but at the same time I don’t want to get into my old habits of ordering every week. I think it’s important to find a good balance between cooking for yourself, and treating yourself once in a while.
I would totally recommend you give up food deliveries – especially if the Deliveroo driver knows you by name.